Learning Outcomes-ASAP:
Demonstrates skills and recognizes the benefits of working collaboratively
Demonstrates engagement with issues of global significance
Recognizes and considers ethics of choices and actions, and the role that privilege and power plays
Learning Outcomes-CEC:
Demonstrates having taken on significant challenges and learned new skills
Demonstrates skills and recognizes the benefits of working collaboratively
Recognizes and considers ethics of choices and actions, and the role that privilege and power plays
The reason I mixed both exed in one post was that there's not much going on for this exed in the last semester. But there's still some update and development to be clarified here. So here I present to you my last reflection on these two exeds.
I think I've explained thoroughly enough to make people understand how big of an impact CEC has done to me. I have to experience the steepest yet very huge growth because of my participation and interest in conflict engagement. This semester, my very CEC-related stuff was through the Annual Conference event. Here is the reflection on that matter. Throughout the event, I was feeling very energized and worked up in a positive note because of the positive environment the conference has made. Where else I could find this many inspiring stories and learning experiences except here? I have been very fortunate to be able to receive this opportunity and I highly appreciate it. I will try to make the best out of the information I have received outside the UWC-USA community in the near future.
ASAP was changing drastically this semester. Second-year become less productive since the first year group was formed. These changes were made due to the reflection on how my year works last year. I am very happy that many of the firsties express interest in pursuing ASAP as their exed. They have made meaningful progress in a very short amount of time which is 3 months. They have received their basic training needed for the next year. On the other hand, our year has become less and less productive as second-year work coming on the way. So we have our own personal project and barely meet as a group. Before we leave, our other supervisor, Melinda propose a very detailed and thorough proposal about making peer support exed who focuses on three dimensions including ASAP. this new peer support would still be named SWEET but the member will get training in all areas; sex education, substance, and alcohol abuse, and mental-health-related issues. I am looking forward to how they would handle it next year.
As I didn't do much this semester, it does not mean this exed meaningless. I have received an enough learning opportunities from the previous semester, so here I present the pictures that captured our moments.